“Levitate, Levitate” AKA Verbal Semiotic Analysis
I choose to analyze one of Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics of his new “album”; Untitled Unmastered. The track the lyric is found on is number 7, and is specifically the “hook”; Levitate, Levitate, Levitate, Levitate. I choose the track because not only was I lead to the song because of the news of Alicia Keys and…
To Mrs.Fong Thanks for Nothing AKA The Sacred Church
December 01, 20xx To Mrs.Fong, I am sure you’re not aware but I started going back to church again. I can’t believe I haven’t been to church since I used to go to yours. While normally I wouldn’t have sent any kind of letter you, but to be honest, you were a big part of the…
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