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“Who Reads the Watchmen” AKA Nonverbal Semiotic Analysis

Watchmen was the first “Graphic Novel” that gave me a different outlook on the medium that I had previously classified as “Comic Books”. Beforehand all the stories I had come across with similar signifiers as the standard comic book format, would have signified to me the basic superhero tale. Something out of this world and…

kendrick lamar levitate

“Levitate, Levitate” AKA Verbal Semiotic Analysis

I choose to analyze one of Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics of his new “album”; Untitled Unmastered. The track the lyric is found on is number 7, and is specifically the “hook”; Levitate, Levitate, Levitate, Levitate. I choose the track because not only was I lead to the song because of the news of Alicia Keys and…


To Mrs.Fong Thanks for Nothing AKA The Sacred Church

December 01, 20xx To Mrs.Fong, I am sure you’re not aware but I started going back to church again. I can’t believe I haven’t been to church since I used to go to yours. While normally I wouldn’t have sent any kind of letter you, but to be honest, you were a big part of the…

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Morales of the Story “Walk a MILE in my shoes”

  The class of students were tasked with writing a persuasive essay that tied or related to sequential arts. Sparked from a panel from an old X-Men comic book, the topic of this essay was originally going to look at how racism is represented in comic books. This, however, was a topic the writer was…

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Three Columns & Image on Top


“Who Reads the Watchmen” AKA Nonverbal Semiotic Analysis

Watchmen was the first “Graphic Novel” that gave me a different outlook on the medium that I had previously classified as “Comic Books”. Beforehand all the stories I had come across with similar signifiers as the standard comic book format, would have signified to me the basic superhero tale. Something out of this world and…

kendrick lamar levitate

“Levitate, Levitate” AKA Verbal Semiotic Analysis

I choose to analyze one of Kendrick Lamar’s lyrics of his new “album”; Untitled Unmastered. The track the lyric is found on is number 7, and is specifically the “hook”; Levitate, Levitate, Levitate, Levitate. I choose the track because not only was I lead to the song because of the news of Alicia Keys and…


To Mrs.Fong Thanks for Nothing AKA The Sacred Church

December 01, 20xx To Mrs.Fong, I am sure you’re not aware but I started going back to church again. I can’t believe I haven’t been to church since I used to go to yours. While normally I wouldn’t have sent any kind of letter you, but to be honest, you were a big part of the…

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Masonry Blog Posts

“Who Reads the Watchmen” AKA Nonverbal Semiotic Analysis

“Levitate, Levitate” AKA Verbal Semiotic Analysis

To Mrs.Fong Thanks for Nothing AKA The Sacred Church

Morales of the Story “Walk a MILE in my shoes”

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